Sales and Marketing CRM in Charlotte, NC

Sales and Marketing Platform that will:


Baylyn CRM is a software application that can manage customer data related to the company in Charlotte, NC. The Major task of a CRM system is to improve relationships with customers to increase business opportunities. The company is always connected with the customer which can manage your complete process in a single CRM applications.

The CRM tools help people to connect with more customers to increase the productivity of your business. The main area focused on the organizational relationship with individual customers like a business manager, supplier, colleagues, etc. CRM software are used to generate sales, customer service, business development, educational schools marketing and many other fields.

Sales Workflow-

A complete process that allows for your sales staff to become organized. We have four workflow bins pending bin, Closed bin (new client), Phone bin and not interested bin. The pending bin allows your sales staff to create reminders to follow up with that lead on the calendar page. All you do is click on the lead and click create alert on the calendar page to follow up. You also can create notes from conversations you may have had with the potential customer.


Client Management-

Become organized with our client management system. All documents are stored under client profile. Including time worked on the job with our geo tracking system. Log your client or job with the client’s page and store for your records when creating a invoice. You have the complete profile of that customers documents that you may have created.


Levels of Permission-

Allow only select access to your staff. We have two levels of permissions admin and staff. Admin can delete and make changes to all staff setting and Create marketing campaigns to current clients. The staff is only allowed to view leads and client information for normal business operations.


 Lead Analytics-

No need to have analytics tracking code on every campaign you have. Our system records the path from were the lead generated from. So, you know what marketing campaign is generating the most leads.


Telephone Calls Analytics-

Always wondered how many phones call your company gets from your ad campaigns. Well now you can find out what campaign brings you’re your phone calls.


Telephone Calls Automatic lead creation-

All phone leads from your marketing campaigns will automatically create a phone lead under the leads workflow system. Once the lead has been created you can enter in the client’s complete information while on the phone. Or use this section as a call back feature for retargeting purpose.


Evenly Rotate Leads-

Tired of your sales staff arguing over leads. Well we have the solution. We can evenly rotate all sales leads to your sales staff. So, everyone gets the same amount of leads.


Sales Staff Performance-

Up to minute individual sales staff performance. You can select a date range to view overall performance or daily performance. You also have a team performance ability to see how your monthly sales stats are.


24*7*365 Appointment booking-

our three-year case study shows when you give a potential client the option to book an appointment over 50 percent choose to book an appointment. Once a client books the appointment a Thank You page will display with the person image and appointment details. All appointments will be displayed inside the crm calendar page. All appointments sink with other calendars like outlook, google and so much more. This makes a more personal approach with your customers. This allows your business to always stay open 24/7/365. No need to have a secretary scheduling appointment. This cuts labor cost and saves your company a lot of money.


Appointment Reminder-

We all need to be reminded about our daily task. This feature has increased appointment showing by 60 percent. After a appointment has been booked we send two reminders 24 hours before the appointment and again 4 hours before he appointment. These reminders give the potential customer the option to reschedule just in case they are not able to make the appointment. All reminders are sent via text message and email.


Reschedule Appointment-

As we all might have a change of plans allowing your potential client to reschedule their appointment has shown tremendous results. The client can reschedule their appointment at any time making there process a user friendly and satisfactory experience

Re-assign Leads-

If one of your sales staff or staff member is out sick or on vacation but has appointments scheduled. No need to worry simple login in as admin and reschedule all appointments to another team member.

Text Message Retargeting-

Another way for our Baylyn crm to improve your sales. Retarget with text message retargeting to all leads that didn’t close. In most cases you will get a 5 to 10 percent return each time you run this campaign from your pending leads that did not convert into a customer.


Text Message Marketing-

Improve your sales even more with the ability to send out text message campaigns to your complete clients list. We recommend you use this feature as a tool to market new product, promotions, social likes, google reviews and so much more.


Create Documents-

You can create documents as an administrator. Once you create the document you can share with your staff. Now your staff can email any document you created including customer signature form to their current clients. Documents can be used as terms and conditions, contracts, Invoices and so much more. When your staff emails the documents and the document is completed it will automatically insert the client data on the form and store under the client documents. You can print these forms at any time.


Custom Form Creation-

don’t want to build your form. That’s ok we can build it for you. Book an appointment for pricing details.

Create test for Staff or Students-

we can custom build a test for your staff or students. This will be used as a document and can store results under client profile page.


Client Time Clock-

This a great feature for companies that bill customers by the hour. Click the login button under client profile to record hours worked. Another thing can be a student attendance for all training schools.


Geo Mapping Time Clock-

this will show were a staff member traveled once you log in your client time clock. Great feature for service workers that charge for time traveled. For trucking companies this works great to see up to minute time distance traveled and were your tractor trailer is located. For training centers, you can use this tool for vocational students that train outside. You will always no were that student is while on your campus.

Can Spam Compliance-

our automatic opt out process for text message and email allows customers to stop receiving messages. We only message from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm Eastern time for all marketing campaigns.

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